Challenged to commit… Try Small Group Training!
Lack motivation to exercise? Have a gym membership, but never go? Feel like you aren’t exercising safely or you can’t keep up with the class? Suffer from an injury that limits your workouts? You are not ALONE! Stats show that most people do not make it past the 6 month mark in following an exercise plan or going to the local gym. It does not matter how good our intentions are, it is “What you do MOST OF THE TIME” that counts. Fitness and Wellness is a journey of developing a lifestyle that is obtainable and sustainable….and the secret ingredient is consistency! Learn how HealthStyles inspires our clients to stay active, eat healthy, limit barriers, accept imperfections, and increase self-confidence and feel amazing!
Benefits of HealthStyles Small Group Training
ACCOUNTABILITY: You become accountable! Not only to yourself but to the trainer, and to the group. You are not just a number, but a place where everyone knows your name and your story. We thrive on wanting you to become your best only better!
INTIMACY: You learn to discover and accept your imperfections. Programs are designed for women with limited class sizes varying from 4 – 14 ladies.
CAMARADERIE and COMMUNITY: Belonging to something meaningful increases your sense of accomplishment and each training session fulfills your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
SUPPORT: While working out with like-minded partners and friends you are encouraging others to experience opportunities outside their comfort zone.
RESULTS: Training in a small group atmosphere you achieve gains at a faster rate. We provide you with individual motivation and coaching to ensure you are pushing yourself in a safe yet challenging level needed for maximum results.
VALUE: Small-group training provides you with individualized coaching without the barrier of cost. Receive modifications and progressions so you train safely and effectively according to your personal needs.
All of our programs are inclusive; promoting an accepting attitude toward self and others. We design our programs with “Balance in Mind.” Through the physical exercise we reveal deeper layers of our true self bringing about compassion, acceptance, and peace. If you are looking for programs that move beyond just a physical workout and find real and lasting improvements to your everyday life and relationships, look no further.
We welcome the opportunity to meet with you to find a program that fits with your goals.
Small Group Training Schedule and Class descriptions http://healthstylesconsulting.com/services/group-training/